In the astrology of the week ahead, May 2nd to 8th, I can't help but think about those moments in our lives where suddenly, everything is different.
Yesterday was the observance of Beltane, marking the midway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. It is celebrated May 1st, but the actual midpoint is this Thursday, so we will be feeling its energy all week.
Nature is at its most beautiful at this time of year. It is vivid, hopeful, blossoming and bursting forth. Like the mythical romance between the Maiden and the Green Man, which Beltane celebrates, we are being asked to align with our inner Lover archetype.
Venus-Ruled Taurus is another embodiment of the Lover, reveling in gratitude in the realm of the senses, slowing down to smell the flowers, luxuriating in the feeling of green grass beneath one's feet.
We will need this grounding, steadying, moment-centered awareness this week, because even as we feel in to the world around us, massive change is at hand. After all, we just had a partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus, which means we are in the midst of massive change, where timelines can collapse and magic really is possible.
We have several dynamic sextile alignments happening this week - Jupiter and Pluto, Sun and Mars, Mars and Uranus, Mercury and Venus - and this alignment is one of harmony. Sometimes that can mean we don't sit up and pay attention - it's easy to sit back and let it happen when things are going good.
But we would be remiss to not take advantage of all of this magical, dynamic, positive potential energy this week. As long as we keep our feet on the ground, we can expect beautiful breakthroughs.
One of my favorite quotes, glued to a vision board I look at each morning while I prepare for meditation, is: "Nothing happens, and nothing happens, and then everything happens." Be ready for anything and everything to change - for the better.