What do you think of when you think of the word, gratitude? I used to think of gratitude really standing out in the month of November when Thanksgiving was around the corner. Then, in a blink of an eye or by the time holidays are over, gratitude had a tendency to dissipate just like the season. My fast paced life seemed to forget what it really meant to be grateful after I stated what I was grateful for around the Thanksgiving table. I seemed to think because I named some things I was grateful for, it would hold until we once again gathered around in the season of being thankful.
Gratitude has the potential to help us shift into a healthier more positive perspective or on life. The more we can practice gratitude, the more joy we find within ourselves. Especially when we say it out loud. We begin to find joy in the little things.
Every morning, I think of three things I am grateful for. Before I get up each day or reach for my phone, I take a moment to pause and name three things I am grateful for prior to beginning my day. It really shifts my perspective. All of a sudden, the old saying "waking up on the wrong side of the bed", goes away. Finding joy in the small or big things raises our frequency. Stating these words of gratitude out loud, amplifies our frequency. How beautiful is that?! It sets a positive tone to start the day amplified in your grandeur. This fills us with joy because gratitude is connected to our heart, which connects us to our highest frequency.
Keep your high vibration going by starting your day in gratitude. What are three things you are grateful for?
Join me this Wednesday at 1pm, inside the PCS&M Chapel for Yoga with Ana, where we will share a gratitude practice to raise our vibration in community. We will also be streaming live only on the Relevnt App, hosted by WeedSpeek. Click on the link to register https://www.pcsam.org/event-details/yoga-with-ana-the-self-care-doula-2022-08-24-13-00
See you there!
With love and high vibrations,
Resident Yoga Teacher and Self Care Doula